DV2 Data Center Features
- 99.999% Reliability
- Uninterruptible power supplies and generator backup
- Dual Liebert provides consistent temperature and humidity
range in the datacenter
- State of the art datacenter ID system and security including
video surveillance and recording
- Redundant Cisco BGP routing and switching infrastructure
with cold spares - allows for equipment failure with no
interruption of service and timely replacement of the
failed item.
- State of the art monitoring system for all servers and
network devices.
- Connected via dedicated 100mbps lines for lightning
fast connections.
24/7 Server Monitoring
Staff members work around the clock to ensure that the network
is operating at optimum state.
Network minimum Internet backbone connection is 1 gig pipes.
We currently have 5 backbone providers and are publicly
peered with 12 providers including earthlink. Our current
network consists of Gigabit links to Abovenet, XO, PCC-BTN,
Telia, Level 3 and the Atlanta Internet Exchange public
peering point. You will not get bottlenecks due to small
Redundant Internet Connections
Redundant Cisco BGP routing and switching infrastructure
with cold spares.
Current Backbone Providers
Gigabit links to Abovenet, XO, PCC-BTN, Telia, Level 3 and
the Atlanta Internet Exchange public peering point.
99.999% Reliability and Redundant Power Supplies
The main electrical room at GNAX provides clean, consistent
power via switchgear, UPS systems, multiple feeds and generator
backup to ensure a consistent supply of power to the facility.
Environment Control
Consistent temperature and humidity ranges in the GNAX Data
Center are maintained by redundant cooling systems.
In additional to the on-site security staff, access is controlled
by state-of-the-art identification systems, including a
biometrics hand scanner and card reader.